No one captures it better than Coco Chanel: "Fashion passes, style remains." Fashion can make us feel like we're not good enough. However, it is fast, fun, and current, and there is a constant stream of new trends enticing shoppers to spend. In contrast, style isn't about...

Earlier this year, Melanie reached out to Fashion Stylist Bernadette from That’s My Style. Melanie initially wanted advice on what essentials are needed for a nomad traveller who isn’t 20 years old and able to pull off living in cut off denim shorts anymore. She admitted...

This season is all about the ankle boot! It's practical, stylish and can be worn with any outfit for many occasions. The ankle boot can be thrown on with comfortable jeans, a white shirt and scarf for a style-worthy weekend look. During a wardrobe edit, many of...

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