Earlier this year, Melanie reached out to Fashion Stylist Bernadette from That’s My Style. Melanie initially wanted advice on what essentials are needed for a nomad traveller who isn’t 20 years old and able to pull off living in cut off denim shorts anymore. She admitted...

Meet Luke Payne, Builder and Owner of Abroenet Constructions by day, mixing with the fashion elite by night. I wanted to know my husband’s perspective on what went down at Australian fashion weekend, so I got curious and asked him a few questions. Last weekend was the 21st year of...

This season is all about the ankle boot! It's practical, stylish and can be worn with any outfit for many occasions. The ankle boot can be thrown on with comfortable jeans, a white shirt and scarf for a style-worthy weekend look. During a wardrobe edit, many of...

Are you fast approaching 40 but still dressing in the same clothes you wore in your 20s? Generally men are not keen on investing time into following trends or worrying about what flatters their body shape. Men are generally a lot more comfortable in their own...

Great style is about approaching everyday with confidence and the ability to feel beautiful in what you are wearing. As a personal stylist, it’s my job to edit my client’s closets to ensure that they’re always looking and feeling their best.
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