Comfort Meets Sophistication Trend Report: Knit Shirts for Spring/Summer '24 I'm excited to share some insights on a trending style for Spring/Summer 2024 that’s poised to make a significant impact in men’s wardrobes. I recently collaborated with several retailers and chose this trend to be showcased on the runway...

Right now, we are in isolation, and it's clear that we miss getting dressed up and feeling special. From wearing ball gowns on bin night to wearing sequins for a virtual drinking session with friends, we are still craving the feeling that clothes give us....

I have connected with Dani from Once Upon A Violet a few times over the years, and here is a collaborative blog post which we did together about Reclaiming Your Style. Hope you enjoy the read!   I’ve realised lately that shopping anxiety has recently become a bit...

Embrace is an Australian documentary directed by the very courageous, Taryn Brumfitt and it aims to send a valuable message to all women – ‘Body confidence does not come from trying to achieve the “perfect body”. It comes from embracing the one you’ve already got.’ The...

Trend Report
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